Annual Skate

Hand Cannon

  • Impact
  • Range
  • Stability
  • Handling
  • Reload Speed
  • Aim Assistance
  • Airborne Effectiveness
  • Zoom
  • Recoil Direction
  • Rounds Per Minute
  • Magazine
  • Damage Falloff
    20.42m / 28.07m

Adaptive Frame


A well-rounded grip, reliable and sturdy.

Weapon masterwork

Weapon mods

  • Radar Tuner

    Weapon Mod

    Radar immediately returns when you stop aiming down sights.

  • Sprint Grip

    Weapon Mod

    Temporarily increases the weapon's ready speed and aim down sights speed after sprinting.

  • Freehand Grip

    Weapon Mod

    Increases accuracy and ready speed while firing from the hip.

  • Icarus Grip

    Weapon Mod

    Moderately increases airborne effectiveness.

    • Airborne Effectiveness+ 15
  • Quick Access Sling

    Weapon Mod

    Increases this weapon's ready and stow speed.

  • Counterbalance Stock

    Weapon Mod

    Reduces recoil deviation for the weapon.

    • Recoil Direction+ 15
  • Targeting Adjuster

    Weapon Mod

    This weapon gains better target acquisition.

    • Aim Assistance+ 5
  • Backup Mag

    Weapon Mod

    Increases magazine.

    • Magazine+ 50
  • Full Auto Retrofit

    Weapon Mod

    Holding down the trigger will fire this weapon at full auto.

  • Radar Booster

    Weapon Mod

    Slightly increases the range at which radar detects enemies.

Weapon perks

  • Fastdraw HCS


    Agile Hand Cannon sight. • Greatly increases handling speed • Slightly increases stability

    • ± 0
    • Zoom± 0
    • Range± 0
    • Handling+ 15
    • Stability+ 5
    • Aim Assistance+ 5
  • SteadyHand HCS


    Stable Hand Cannon sight. • Increases stability • Increases handling speed

    • + 1
    • Zoom± 0
    • Range± 0
    • Handling+ 10
    • Stability+ 10
    • Aim Assistance+ 5
  • TrueSight HCS


    Balanced Hand Cannon sight. • Slightly increases range • Slightly increases stability • Slightly increases handling speed

    • + 2
    • Zoom± 0
    • Range+ 3
    • Handling+ 3
    • Stability+ 3
    • Aim Assistance+ 5
  • HitMark HCS


    Accurate Hand Cannon sight. • Slightly increases range

    • + 3
    • Zoom± 0
    • Range+ 5
    • Handling± 0
    • Stability± 0
    • Aim Assistance+ 5
  • Crossfire HCS


    Sharp Hand Cannon sight. • Increases range • Slightly decreases stability • Slightly decreases handling speed

    • + 4
    • Zoom± 0
    • Range+ 7
    • Handling- 5
    • Stability- 5
    • Aim Assistance+ 5
  • Sureshot HCS


    Pinpoint Hand Cannon sight. • Increases range • Decreases stability • Decreases handling speed

    • + 5
    • Zoom± 0
    • Range+ 10
    • Handling- 10
    • Stability- 10
    • Aim Assistance+ 5
  • Accurized Rounds


    This weapon can fire longer distances. • Increases range

    • Range+ 10
  • Appended Mag


    This weapon's magazine is built for higher capacity. • Increases magazine size

    • Magazine+ 46
  • Tactical Mag


    This weapon has multiple tactical improvements. • Slightly increases stability • Increases reload speed • Slightly increases magazine size

    • Magazine+ 43
    • Reload Speed+ 10
    • Stability+ 5
  • Extended Mag


    This weapon has a greatly increased magazine size, but reloads much slower. • Greatly increases magazine size • Greatly decreases reload speed • Increases airborne effectiveness

    • Magazine+ 50
    • Reload Speed- 20
    • Airborne Effectiveness+ 10
  • Steady Rounds


    This magazine is optimized for recoil control. • Greatly increases stability • Slightly decreases range • Increases airborne effectiveness

    • Stability+ 15
    • Range- 5
    • Airborne Effectiveness+ 7
  • Alloy Magazine


    Faster reloads when the magazine is empty.

    0.85x Reload Duration Scale

  • Flared Magwell


    Optimized for fast reloading. • Slightly increases stability • Greatly increases reload speed

    • Reload Speed+ 15
    • Stability+ 5
  • Outlaw


    Precision kills greatly decrease reload time.

    Adds 70 Reload with a 0.9x multiplier for 6s.

  • Surplus


    Increases handling, reload speed, and stability for each fully charged ability.

    Multi-charge abilities contribute to the requirements (ex. 2 grenades and a melee will count as max benefit Surplus). This perk does not let you exceed 100 Handling. Reload Speed: 5/25/50 Handling: 10/25/50 Stability: 5/15/25

  • Triple Tap


    Rapidly landing precision hits will return one round to the magazine.

    Activation window is 2.5s.

  • Slideshot


    Sliding partially reloads this weapon's magazine and temporarily boosts range and stability.

    Lasts ~3s, 0.3s cooldown. Refreshes 15% of the magazine and grants 20 Range & 30 Stability.

  • Tunnel Vision


    Reloading after defeating a target greatly increases target acquisition and aim down sight speed for a short duration.

    Activates after reloading 6s after a kill. Grants the following for 5s: • 20 Aim Assist • -20% Accuracy Cone Size • ADS Handling Multiplier

  • No Distractions


    Aiming this weapon for a short period reduces flinch.

    After aiming down sights for 1s without firing, flinch is reduced by 35%. Timer starts as soon as the ADS input is registered.

  • Opening Shot


    Improved accuracy and range on the opening shot of attack.

    Applies to the first bullet only after not firing for 3.1s. Grants the following: • 20 Aim Assistance • 25 Range • -5% Accuracy Cone Size • -10% Accuracy Cone Growth

  • Timed Payload


    Projectiles attached to enemies explode after a short delay.

    Detonates after 0.6s. Splits 55% of damage into explosive damage with 30% more damage and no fall off. Detonates after 0.6s. • In PvE, 12% increase to precision damage and 16% to non-precision damage. • In PvP, total damage remains almost the same.

  • Dragonfly


    Precision kills create an elemental damage explosion.

    Creates an elemental explosion based on the weapon's element damage, has a 3m radius. Explosion damage is dependant on weapon archetype.

  • Multikill Clip


    Reloading grants increased damage based on the number of rapid final blows made beforehand.

    Must reload within 3.8s of a Weapon Kill. Grants damage increases at 17%, 33%, and 50%. Buff is overwritten every time you refresh it.

  • Wellspring


    Kills with this weapon generate ability energy. This energy is divided between your uncharged abilities.

    Grants 8% Ability energy split equally across all uncharged abilities.

  • Swashbuckler


    This weapon gains increased damage from melee kills and kills with this weapon.

    Has a duration of 4.5 seconds. • 1x: 6.6% • 2x: 13.2% • 3x: 20% • 4x: 26.4% • 5x: 33.3%

Curated roll

  • Fastdraw HCS


    Agile Hand Cannon sight. • Greatly increases handling speed • Slightly increases stability

    • ± 0
    • Zoom± 0
    • Range± 0
    • Handling+ 15
    • Stability+ 5
    • Aim Assistance+ 5
  • Steady Rounds


    This magazine is optimized for recoil control. • Greatly increases stability • Slightly decreases range • Increases airborne effectiveness

    • Stability+ 15
    • Range- 5
    • Airborne Effectiveness+ 7
  • Outlaw


    Precision kills greatly decrease reload time.

    Adds 70 Reload with a 0.9x multiplier for 6s.

  • Multikill Clip


    Reloading grants increased damage based on the number of rapid final blows made beforehand.

    Must reload within 3.8s of a Weapon Kill. Grants damage increases at 17%, 33%, and 50%. Buff is overwritten every time you refresh it.


Extras are still work in progress!