The Mountaintop

Grenade Launcher

  • Blast Radius
  • Velocity
  • Stability
  • Handling
  • Reload Speed
  • Aim Assistance
  • Airborne Effectiveness
  • Zoom
  • Recoil Direction
  • Rounds Per Minute
  • Magazine

Micro-Missile Frame


This weapon fires a high-speed projectile in a straight line and deals reduced self-damage. Move faster with this weapon equipped.

Weapon masterwork

Weapon mods

  • Radar Tuner

    Weapon Mod

    Radar immediately returns when you stop aiming down sights.

  • Sprint Grip

    Weapon Mod

    Temporarily increases the weapon's ready speed and aim down sights speed after sprinting.

  • Freehand Grip

    Weapon Mod

    Increases accuracy and ready speed while firing from the hip.

  • Icarus Grip

    Weapon Mod

    Moderately increases airborne effectiveness.

    • Airborne Effectiveness+ 15
  • Quick Access Sling

    Weapon Mod

    Increases this weapon's ready and stow speed.

  • Counterbalance Stock

    Weapon Mod

    Reduces recoil deviation for the weapon.

    • Recoil Direction+ 15
  • Targeting Adjuster

    Weapon Mod

    This weapon gains better target acquisition.

    • Aim Assistance+ 5
  • Backup Mag

    Weapon Mod

    Increases magazine.

    • Magazine+ 50
  • Full Auto Retrofit

    Weapon Mod

    Holding down the trigger will fire this weapon at full auto.

  • Radar Booster

    Weapon Mod

    Slightly increases the range at which radar detects enemies.

Weapon perks

  • Hard Launch

    Launcher Barrel

    This weapon's launch barrel is optimized for projectile speed. • Greatly increases projectile speed • Decreases stability • Slightly decreases blast radius

    • Stability- 10
    • Velocity+ 15
    • Blast Radius- 5
  • Volatile Launch

    Launcher Barrel

    This weapon is optimized for an especially explosive payload. • Greatly increases blast radius • Slightly decreases handling speed • Slightly decreases projectile speed

    • Blast Radius+ 15
    • Velocity- 5
    • Handling- 5
  • Spike Grenades


    Grenades fired from this weapon do increased damage on direct hits. • Increases stability

    50% damage increase to impact damage.

    • Stability+ 10
  • Sticky Grenades


    Grenades fired from this weapon attach on impact and detonate when enemies are in proximity.

  • Rangefinder


    Aiming this weapon increases its effective range and zoom magnification. Increased projectile velocity while aiming Rocket Launchers, Grenade Launchers, and Bows.

    10% increase to Zoom and 30% increase to Aim Assist Falloff Distance while ADS. 5% Faster Projectile Speed when ADS.

  • Rampage


    Kills with this weapon temporarily grant increased damage. Stacks 3x.

    Has a duration of 3.5 seconds, all stacks disappear once timer expires. • 1x: 10% • 2x: 21% • 3x: 33.1%


Extras are still work in progress!