
- Impact80
- Range80
- Shield Duration10
- Handling82
- Reload Speed82
- Aim Assistance74
- Rounds Per Minute80
- Magazine6
M1R Distribution Matrix
Fires a spread. Equipped with a quick-draining shield. Blocking damage with your shield gradually bestows Void overshields to yourself and nearby allies.

Extras are still work in progress!
Exotic catalyst is WIP
Exotic catalysts are not available in D2 Arsenal yet
Weapon mods
CQC Optics: High
Weapon Mod
Slightly increases zoom magnification.
- Zoom+ 1
Radar Tuner
Weapon Mod
Radar immediately returns when you stop aiming down sights.
Sprint Grip
Weapon Mod
Temporarily increases the weapon's ready speed and aim down sights speed after sprinting.
Freehand Grip
Weapon Mod
Increases accuracy and ready speed while firing from the hip.
Icarus Grip
Weapon Mod
Moderately increases airborne effectiveness.
- Airborne Effectiveness+ 15
Heavy Ammo Finder Enhancement
Weapon Mod
Grants increased Heavy Ammo Finder progress with this weapon's final blows.
Quick Access Sling
Weapon Mod
Increases this weapon's ready and stow speed.
Counterbalance Stock
Weapon Mod
Reduces recoil deviation for the weapon.
- Recoil Direction+ 15
Marksman Optics: High
Weapon Mod
Slightly increases zoom magnification.
- Zoom+ 2
Weapon Mod
Grants increased draw time and accuracy.
- Draw Time+ 876
- Charge Time+ 1000
- Accuracy+ 6
Armaments of Ambition
Weapon Mod
Increased Handling, Reload speed and weapon swap speed. Swords gain increased Inventory and Charge Rate. This weapon is also overcharged when that modifier is active.
Power of Ambition
Weapon Mod
Rapid hits with this weapon grants Blight Rounds, dealing damage over time to targets hit by this weapon. Strong against Overload Champions. This weapon is also overcharged when that modifier is active.
Armaments of Resolve
Weapon Mod
Increases Aim Assist and Recoil Direction. This weapon is also overcharged when that modifier is active.
- Aim Assistance+ 5
- Recoil Direction+ 15
Power of Resolve
Weapon Mod
Rapid hits with this weapon emits a Taken seeker projectile. Strong against Unstoppable Champions. This weapon is also overcharged when that modifier is active.
Willbreaker Munitions
Weapon Mod
Increases this weapons damage versus Dread and Taken targets. This weapon is also overcharged when that modifier is active.
Weapon Mod
Grants increased blast radius and projectile speed.
- Blast Radius+ 6
- Velocity+ 6
Weapon Mod
Grants increased reload speed and handling.
- Reload Speed+ 6
- Handling+ 6
Special Ammo Finder Enhancement
Weapon Mod
Grants increased Special Ammo Finder progress with this weapon's final blows.
Marksman Optics: Low
Weapon Mod
Slightly reduces zoom magnification.
- Zoom- 2
Weapon Mod
Stunning a Champion partially refills this weapon from reserves.
Weapon Mod
Reduces incoming flinch for this weapon.
Targeting Adjuster
Weapon Mod
This weapon gains better target acquisition.
- Aim Assistance+ 5
CQC Optics: Low
Weapon Mod
Slightly reduces zoom magnification.
- Zoom- 1
Backup Mag
Weapon Mod
Increases magazine.
- Magazine+ 50
Weapon Mod
Grants increased range and stability.
- Range+ 6
- Stability+ 6
Full Auto Retrofit
Weapon Mod
Holding down the trigger will fire this weapon at full auto.
Radar Booster
Weapon Mod
Slightly increases the range at which radar detects enemies.
Weapon Mod
Final blows with this weapon have a chance to create an elemental pickup matching its damage type, or an Orb of Power for weapons that deal Kinetic damage.
Weapon perks
Ballistic Tuning
Power diverted from shield. • Greatly increases range • Decreases shield duration
- Range+ 15
- Shield Duration- 10
- Charge Time+ 1000
Low-Impedance Windings
Improved output efficiency. • Increases shield duration • Slightly increases reload speed • Decreases range
- Shield Duration+ 10
- Charge Time+ 1000
- Reload Speed+ 5
- Range- 10
Tempered Truss Rod
Lv. 2
High stiffness for quick handling. • Greatly increases handling speed • Slightly decreases reload speed • Slightly decreases range
- Handling+ 15
- Reload Speed- 5
- Range- 5
Supercooled Accelerator
Lv. 3
Optimized for extended range. • Increases range • Slightly decreases reload speed • Slightly decreases handling speed
- Range+ 10
- Reload Speed- 5
- Handling- 5
Auxiliary Reserves
Lv. 4
Additional energy storage. • Greatly increases shield duration • Decreases reload speed
- Shield Duration+ 15
- Charge Time+ 1000
- Reload Speed- 10
Lightweight Emitter
Lv. 5
Weight reduction for better agility. • Increases reload speed • Slightly increases handling speed • Decreases shield duration
- Reload Speed+ 10
- Handling+ 5
- Shield Duration- 10
- Charge Time+ 1000
Extended Mag
This weapon has a greatly increased magazine size, but reloads much slower. • Greatly increases magazine size • Greatly decreases reload speed • Increases airborne effectiveness
- Magazine+ 50
- Reload Speed- 20
- Airborne Effectiveness+ 10
Alloy Magazine
Faster reload when the magazine is nearly empty.
0.85x Reload Duration Scale
Appended Mag
Lv. 2
This weapon's magazine is built for higher capacity. • Increases magazine size
- Magazine+ 46
Accurized Rounds
Lv. 3
This weapon can fire longer distances. • Increases range
- Range+ 10
Swap Mag
Lv. 4
Increases this weapon's ready and stow speed.
Light Mag
Lv. 5
Improved reload and range. • Increases reload speed • Slightly increases range
- Reload Speed+ 10
- Range+ 5
Perpetual Loophole
Deal additional melee damage while protected by an overshield. Defeating targets with melee final blows while the overshield is active will refresh it.
Hand-Laid Stock
This weapon is optimized for recoil control. • Increases stability
- Stability+ 10
Composite Stock
Lv. 2
This weapon has a versatile dual-purpose stock. • Slightly increases stability • Slightly increases handling speed
- Stability+ 5
- Handling+ 5
Fitted Stock
Lv. 3
This stock makes the weapon stable but heavy • Increases stability • Moderately controls recoil • Slightly decreases handling speed
- Stability+ 10
- Handling- 5
- Recoil Direction+ 20
Short-Action Stock
Lv. 4
This weapon is especially easy to grip. • Greatly increases handling speed
- Handling+ 15
Immovable Refit
Dealing ranged damage grants increased weapon energy while you're stationary with your shield raised.
Robber Refit
Lv. 4
Melee final blows or dealing damage with a charged melee reloads this weapon's magazine from reserves.
Feedback Refit
Lv. 7
Blocking damage partially reloads this weapon from reserves.
Curated roll
Ballistic Tuning
Power diverted from shield. • Greatly increases range • Decreases shield duration
- Range+ 15
- Shield Duration- 10
- Charge Time+ 1000
Extended Mag
This weapon has a greatly increased magazine size, but reloads much slower. • Greatly increases magazine size • Greatly decreases reload speed • Increases airborne effectiveness
- Magazine+ 50
- Reload Speed- 20
- Airborne Effectiveness+ 10
Perpetual Loophole
Deal additional melee damage while protected by an overshield. Defeating targets with melee final blows while the overshield is active will refresh it.
Hand-Laid Stock
This weapon is optimized for recoil control. • Increases stability
- Stability+ 10
Extras are still work in progress!