Ecliptic Distaff


  • Impact
  • Range
  • Shield Duration
  • Handling
  • Reload Speed
  • Aim Assistance
  • Airborne Effectiveness
  • Rounds Per Minute
  • Magazine

Adaptive Glaive


Hybrid melee/ranged polearm with a frontal shield. Generates energy on dealing ranged damage. [Aim Down Sights] : Raise shield, depleting energy over time [Melee] : Kinetic melee combo

Weapon masterwork

Weapon mods

  • Radar Tuner

    Weapon Mod

    Radar immediately returns when you stop aiming down sights.

  • Sprint Grip

    Weapon Mod

    Temporarily increases the weapon's ready speed and aim down sights speed after sprinting.

  • Freehand Grip

    Weapon Mod

    Increases accuracy and ready speed while firing from the hip.

  • Icarus Grip

    Weapon Mod

    Moderately increases airborne effectiveness.

    • Airborne Effectiveness+ 15
  • Quick Access Sling

    Weapon Mod

    Increases this weapon's ready and stow speed.

  • Counterbalance Stock

    Weapon Mod

    Reduces recoil deviation for the weapon.

    • Recoil Direction+ 15
  • Targeting Adjuster

    Weapon Mod

    This weapon gains better target acquisition.

    • Aim Assistance+ 5
  • Backup Mag

    Weapon Mod

    Increases magazine.

    • Magazine+ 50
  • Full Auto Retrofit

    Weapon Mod

    Holding down the trigger will fire this weapon at full auto.

  • Radar Booster

    Weapon Mod

    Slightly increases the range at which radar detects enemies.

Weapon perks

  • Ballistic Tuning


    Power diverted from shield. • Greatly increases range • Decreases shield duration

    • Range+ 15
    • Shield Duration- 10
    • Charge Time+ 1000
  • Alloy Magazine


    Faster reloads when the magazine is empty.

    0.85x Reload Duration Scale

  • Replenishing Aegis


    Blocking damage partially reloads this weapon from reserves.

  • Immovable Object


    Dealing ranged damage grants increased weapon energy while you're stationary with your shield raised.

  • Close to Melee


    Glaive projectile final blows improve Glaive melee damage. Glaive projectile or melee damage extends the duration.

  • Destabilizing Rounds


    Final blows cause nearby targets to become volatile.

  • Vanguard's Vindication

    Origin Trait

    Final blows with this weapon grant a small amount of health.

    Vanguard Trait. Regain 7 Health on kills.

  • One Quiet Moment

    Origin Trait

    Grants increased reload speed and handling when out of combat. Swords gain faster movement speed.

    Crucible Trait. Grants 40 Reload Speed when out of combat.

  • Gun and Run

    Origin Trait

    Rapidly defeating targets with this weapon grants bonus sprint speed. Guardians, powerful combatants, and high-value targets grant this bonus quicker.

    Gambit Trait.


Extras are still work in progress!