Dream Breaker
Fusion Rifle
- Impact70
- Range30
- Stability36
- Handling27
- Reload Speed30
- Aim Assistance43
- Airborne Effectiveness4
- Zoom15
- Recoil Direction57
- Charge Time660 ms
- Magazine5
- Damage Falloff11.53m / 14.99m
Adaptive Frame
A well-rounded grip, reliable and sturdy.
Extras are still work in progress!
Weapon masterwork
Weapon mods
CQC Optics: High
Weapon Mod
Slightly increases zoom magnification.
- Zoom+ 1
Radar Tuner
Weapon Mod
Radar immediately returns when you stop aiming down sights.
Sprint Grip
Weapon Mod
Temporarily increases the weapon's ready speed and aim down sights speed after sprinting.
Freehand Grip
Weapon Mod
Increases accuracy and ready speed while firing from the hip.
Icarus Grip
Weapon Mod
Moderately increases airborne effectiveness.
- Airborne Effectiveness+ 15
Heavy Ammo Finder Enhancement
Weapon Mod
Grants increased Heavy Ammo Finder progress with this weapon's final blows.
Quick Access Sling
Weapon Mod
Increases this weapon's ready and stow speed.
Counterbalance Stock
Weapon Mod
Reduces recoil deviation for the weapon.
- Recoil Direction+ 15
Marksman Optics: High
Weapon Mod
Slightly increases zoom magnification.
- Zoom+ 2
Weapon Mod
Grants increased draw time and accuracy.
- Draw Time+ 876
- Charge Time+ 1000
- Accuracy+ 6
Weapon Mod
Grants increased blast radius and projectile speed.
- Blast Radius+ 6
- Velocity+ 6
Weapon Mod
Grants increased reload speed and handling.
- Reload Speed+ 6
- Handling+ 6
Special Ammo Finder Enhancement
Weapon Mod
Grants increased Special Ammo Finder progress with this weapon's final blows.
Marksman Optics: Low
Weapon Mod
Slightly reduces zoom magnification.
- Zoom- 2
Weapon Mod
Stunning a Champion partially refills this weapon from reserves.
Weapon Mod
Reduces incoming flinch for this weapon.
Targeting Adjuster
Weapon Mod
This weapon gains better target acquisition.
- Aim Assistance+ 5
CQC Optics: Low
Weapon Mod
Slightly reduces zoom magnification.
- Zoom- 1
Backup Mag
Weapon Mod
Increases magazine.
- Magazine+ 50
Weapon Mod
Grants increased range and stability.
- Range+ 6
- Stability+ 6
Full Auto Retrofit
Weapon Mod
Holding down the trigger will fire this weapon at full auto.
Radar Booster
Weapon Mod
Slightly increases the range at which radar detects enemies.
Weapon Mod
Final blows with this weapon have a chance to create an elemental pickup matching its damage type, or an Orb of Power for weapons that deal Kinetic damage.
Weapon perks
Arrowhead Brake
Lightly vented barrel. • Greatly controls recoil • Increases handling speed
- Recoil Direction+ 30
- Handling+ 10
Chambered Compensator
Stable barrel attachment. • Increases stability • Moderately controls recoil • Slightly decreases handling speed
- Stability+ 10
- Recoil Direction+ 10
- Handling- 5
Corkscrew Rifling
Balanced barrel. • Slightly increases range and stability • Slightly increases handling speed
- Stability+ 5
- Range+ 5
- Handling+ 5
Extended Barrel
Weighty barrel extension. • Increases range • Decreases handling speed • Moderately controls recoil
- Handling- 10
- Range+ 10
- Recoil Direction+ 10
Fluted Barrel
Ultra-light barrel. • Greatly increases handling speed • Slightly increases stability
- Stability+ 5
- Handling+ 15
Full Bore
Barrel optimized for distance. • Greatly increases range • Decreases stability • Slightly decreases handling speed
- Stability- 10
- Range+ 15
- Handling- 5
Hammer-Forged Rifling
Durable ranged barrel. • Increases range
- Range+ 10
Polygonal Rifling
Barrel optimized for recoil reduction. • Increases stability
- Stability+ 10
Dual strength barrel. • Increases range • Increases stability
- Stability+ 7
- Range+ 7
Accelerated Coils
Speeds up charge. • Faster charge time • Decreases impact damage
- Impact+ 11
Enhanced Battery
Strong battery life. • Increases magazine size
- Magazine+ 46
Ionized Battery
Large heavy battery. • Greatly increases magazine size • Greatly decreases reload speed
- Magazine+ 53
- Reload Speed- 20
Liquid Coils
Slower-building charge for higher damage. • Increases impact damage • Slower charge time
- Impact+ 20
Particle Repeater
Improves stability. • Increases stability
- Stability+ 10
Projection Fuse
Distance optimizations. • Increases range
- Range+ 10
Firmly Planted
Increased accuracy, stability, and handling when firing while crouched.
Grants the following when crouched (halved benefits Fusion Rifles): • 30 Handling • 20 Stability • -40 Accuracy Cone Size • -17% Accuracy Cone Growth • -80 Recoil Yaw (Horizontal Recoil)
Auto-Loading Holster
This perk currently cannot roll on this weapon
The holstered weapon is automatically reloaded after a short period of time.
Activates in 2.5s.
Moving Target
This perk currently cannot roll on this weapon
Increased movement speed and target acquisition when moving while aiming down sights.
3% Reduced Movement Speed Penalty from ADS and Strafing. Passively grants at 10 Aim Assist when aiming down sights.
Pulse Monitor
This perk currently cannot roll on this weapon
Automatically reloads the magazine and improves weapon handling when wounded—even when this weapon is stowed.
Once below 113 HP, increased Reload Speed. Effect increases linearly as health decreases up to 100 Reload with 0.9x duration multiplier.
Threat Detector
This perk currently cannot roll on this weapon
Increased reload, stability, and handling when enemies are in close proximity.
• Within 15m of 1 enemy: • ~15 Stability • 15 Reload • 0.75x Handling Animation Duration • Within 15m of 2+ enemies: • ~40 Stability •55 Reload • 0.56x Handling Animation Duration
This perk currently cannot roll on this weapon
Aiming this weapon increases its effective range and zoom magnification. Increased projectile velocity while aiming Rocket Launchers, Grenade Launchers, and Bows.
10% increase to Zoom and 30% increase to Aim Assist Falloff Distance while ADS. 5% Faster Projectile Speed when ADS.
Tunnel Vision
Reloading after defeating a target greatly increases target acquisition and aim down sight speed for a short duration.
Activates after reloading 6s after a kill. Grants the following for 5s: • 20 Aim Assist • -20% Accuracy Cone Size • ADS Handling Multiplier
Heating Up
Final blows with this weapon increase accuracy and stability while improving vertical recoil.
Lasts 5.5s. • 1x: • -15% Accuracy Cone Growth • 15 Stability • ~20 Recoil Direction • 2x: • -30% Accuracy Cone Growth • 30 Stability • ~40 Recoil Direction
Under Pressure
Improved stability and accuracy as the magazine gets lower.
Activates once the magazine goes below 50%. Grants 25% to 50% increased Accuracy and up to 30 Stability.
Sliding partially reloads this weapon's magazine and temporarily boosts handling and stability.
Lasts 3s. Refreshes 15% of the magazine and grants 20 Stability & 20 Handling.
Pulse Monitor
Automatically reloads the magazine and improves weapon handling when wounded—even when this weapon is stowed.
Activates when under 38 Shields. Even when stowed: reloads this weapon, grants 50 Handling, 5% Ready/Stow Speed.
Lead from Gold
Picking up Heavy ammo also grants ammo to this weapon.
Grants the equivalent of 1 Special Ammo Pickup.
This perk currently cannot roll on this weapon
Kills with this weapon temporarily grant increased damage. Stacks 3x.
Has a duration of 3.5 seconds, all stacks disappear once timer expires. • 1x: 10% • 2x: 21% • 3x: 33.1%
This perk currently cannot roll on this weapon
This weapon can be drawn unbelievably fast.
Grants 100 Ready/Stow Handling for 1 second, or until ADS.
Tap the Trigger
This perk currently cannot roll on this weapon
Grants a short period of increased stability and accuracy on initial trigger pull.
For controller only, weapons fire the instant trigger pressure is applied. Grants the following benefits for 0.6s: • Normal Benefits • 40 Stability • -50% Max Recoil Kick • -10% Accuracy Cone Size • Fusion Rifles • 10 Stability • -12.5% Max Recoil Kick • -2.5% Accuracy Cone Size
Backup Plan
This perk currently cannot roll on this weapon
Grants reduced charge time and increased handling speed for a short time immediately after swapping to this weapon.
Has a 4 second duration. 30% faster Charge Rate, 20% decreased damage, and 100 Handling.
Disruption Break
This perk currently cannot roll on this weapon
Breaking an enemy's shield with this weapon makes them more vulnerable to Kinetic damage for a brief period.
On Elemental/Barrier or Guardian shield break: Applies a debuff that grants 50% increased Kinetic damage for 5.5s. Stacks with other debuffs due to being a weapon perk.
High-Impact Reserves
Rounds at the end of the magazine deal more damage.
Gradual damage increase starting at 50% of Magazine. • In PvE, 12.1% to 25.6%. • In PvP, 3% to 6%.
Eye of the Storm
This weapon becomes more accurate and boosts handling as your health gets lower.
Effect increases linearly as Health decreases, max benfits at Critical Health. Grants 30 Handling, -40% Accuracy Cone Size, -17% Accuracy Cone Growth.
Gain bonus damage and charge rate during a slide after sprinting for a short duration.
20% more damage and 100ms faster Charge Time during a slide after sprinting for 1.5s. Buff can expire mid-burst if you don't immediately start charging.
Faster charge time or draw time when surrounded by combatants.
Activates within ~15m of 2 enemies. Grants 100ms faster Charge Rate/Draw Time. Lingers for 1.5s.
Kills with this weapon generate ability energy. This energy is divided between your uncharged abilities.
Grants 8% Ability energy split equally across all uncharged abilities.
Being in combat for an extended time increases damage, handling, and reload for this weapon until you are out of combat.
Can active when stowed and applies to all weapons with Frenzy. Grants the following after being In Combat (dealt or received damage within 5s) for 12s: • 15% Damage Increase • 50 Handling • 50 Reload Speed
This weapon gains bonus damage when three or more enemies are in close proximity.
30% damage increase when within 8m of 3 or more enemies. Swords receive a reduced bonus.
Curated roll
Extended Barrel
Weighty barrel extension. • Increases range • Decreases handling speed • Moderately controls recoil
- Handling- 10
- Range+ 10
- Recoil Direction+ 10
Liquid Coils
Slower-building charge for higher damage. • Increases impact damage • Slower charge time
- Impact+ 20
Particle Repeater
Improves stability. • Increases stability
- Stability+ 10
Firmly Planted
Increased accuracy, stability, and handling when firing while crouched.
Grants the following when crouched (halved benefits Fusion Rifles): • 30 Handling • 20 Stability • -40 Accuracy Cone Size • -17% Accuracy Cone Growth • -80 Recoil Yaw (Horizontal Recoil)
Kills with this weapon temporarily grant increased damage. Stacks 3x.
Has a duration of 3.5 seconds, all stacks disappear once timer expires. • 1x: 10% • 2x: 21% • 3x: 33.1%
Extras are still work in progress!