Epochal Integration
Hand Cannon
- Impact84
- Range42
- Stability65
- Handling50
- Reload Speed41
- Aim Assistance71
- Airborne Effectiveness18
- Zoom14
- Recoil Direction89
- Rounds Per Minute140
- Magazine11
- Damage Falloff20.59m / 28.31m
Adaptive Frame
A well-rounded grip, reliable and sturdy.
Extras are still work in progress!
Weapon masterwork
Weapon mods
Radar Tuner
Weapon Mod
Radar immediately returns when you stop aiming down sights.
Sprint Grip
Weapon Mod
Temporarily increases the weapon's ready speed and aim down sights speed after sprinting.
Freehand Grip
Weapon Mod
Increases accuracy and ready speed while firing from the hip.
Icarus Grip
Weapon Mod
Moderately increases airborne effectiveness.
- Airborne Effectiveness+ 15
Quick Access Sling
Weapon Mod
Increases this weapon's ready and stow speed.
Counterbalance Stock
Weapon Mod
Reduces recoil deviation for the weapon.
- Recoil Direction+ 15
Targeting Adjuster
Weapon Mod
This weapon gains better target acquisition.
- Aim Assistance+ 5
Backup Mag
Weapon Mod
Increases magazine.
- Magazine+ 50
Full Auto Retrofit
Weapon Mod
Holding down the trigger will fire this weapon at full auto.
Radar Booster
Weapon Mod
Slightly increases the range at which radar detects enemies.
Weapon perks
Dual strength barrel. • Increases range • Increases stability
- Stability+ 7
- Range+ 7
Ricochet Rounds
Rounds ricochet off hard surfaces. • Increases stability • Slightly increases range
- Range+ 5
- Stability+ 10
Keep Away
Increases reload, range, and accuracy when no targets are in close proximity.
Stats for All
Hitting three separate targets increases weapon handling, stability, reload, and range for a moderate duration.
After damaging 3 enemies within 3s of each. Duration of 10s. • 10 Range • 10 Stability • 30 Handling • 35 Reload Speed (with 0.95x Duration Scale)
Eye of the Storm
This weapon becomes more accurate and boosts handling as your health gets lower.
Effect increases linearly as Health decreases, max benfits at Critical Health. Grants 30 Handling, -40% Accuracy Cone Size, -17% Accuracy Cone Growth.
Defeating a target spreads scorch to those nearby. More powerful combatants and opposing Guardians cause scorch in a larger radius.
Applies 30 Scorch. Powerful Combatants and Guardians increase the effect range to 8m.
Harmonic Resonance
Origin Trait
Equipping multiple weapons from this set grants this weapon increased reload speed and handling. It also deals increased damage versus targets wielding Light and Darkness.
Nanotech Tracer Rockets
Origin Trait
Landing multiple hits turns your next shot into a homing micro-rocket.
Extras are still work in progress!